About Specialisation

Price: £35

This specialisation provide knowledge to learners and professionals to hone their skills in quantitative field. It comprised of five courses that will cover, asset allocation, derivative, portfolio optimisation, and applications of real options and trading algorithms. It will provide solution to related problems in academic and industrial worlds.

Course Duration

Approx. 20 days with suggested pace of 4 hrs/day

Skills in this Specialisation

  • Quantitative Analysis.
  • Algorithm Trading.
  • Portfolio Optimization.
  • Mathematical Finance.
  • Swaps and Options.
  • Asset Allocation.
  • Model Calibration.
  • Modelling and pricing Credit Default Swaps.

Courses in this Specialisation

  • Fundamentals of Financial Engineering and Risk Management.
  • Credit Derivatives.
  • Optimisation Methods in Asset Management.
  • Derivative Pricing.
  • Computational Methods in Pricing and Model Calibration.

Learning Projects

Learners will apply their skills and knowledge to answer various problems in financial engineering area, equities, derivatives of futures, interest rates, mean-variance portfolio construction and model fitting and optimization.


There is a need of basic knowledge about probability, statistics, calculus, linear algebra and hands on Python and Excel.

About Tutor

Hussnain Akbar

Financial Analyst, Techlogix BS in Computational Finance MS in Data Science